Tokyo Fashion & YOCO Spree #2 - OPEN
Email your order to with the format listed on the right side bar. You are deemed to have read and agreed to the Terms & Conditions when you place order. We will post paid order details and the status of the orders here, thus do checkout on us regularly.
Status: 0/30
Updated: 12 Dec 2009 09.20PM
Tokyo Fashion & YOCO Spree #1 - CLOSED
Email your order to with the format listed on the right side bar. You are deemed to have read and agreed to the Terms & Conditions when you place order. We will post paid order details and the status of the orders here, thus do checkout on us regularly.
Email your order to with the format listed on the right side bar. You are deemed to have read and agreed to the Terms & Conditions when you place order. We will post paid order details and the status of the orders here, thus do checkout on us regularly.
Status: 0/30
Updated: 12 Dec 2009 09.20PM
Tokyo Fashion & YOCO Spree #1 - CLOSED
Email your order to with the format listed on the right side bar. You are deemed to have read and agreed to the Terms & Conditions when you place order. We will post paid order details and the status of the orders here, thus do checkout on us regularly.
Status: 30/30 - Confirmed, Awaiting dispatch from Taiwan
Updated: 12 Dec 2009 09.20PM